• The primary objective of the $23.6 million USD overall project is the reconstruction of the Gunnell Oval as a modern artificial turf sports complex.
• Project also includes new storm water management controls that minimize the impact of frequent flooding at the complex and surrounding neighborhoods due to the influence of the Kearny Marsh.
• Much of site required filling to raise park out of flood zone and regrading for the construction of the turf fields.
• Subsurface soils included peat, organic and soft clays.
• UL-FGA was used as backfill in the geogrid-reinforced segmental retaining walls in lieu of the over excavation of 4 feet of existing soils and replacement with EPS geofoam.
• Total thickness of UL-FGA backfill varied between 2 and 8 feet while maximum wall height was approximately 15 feet.